A Blue Xero logo used as a link to sign in to Xero Sign in to Kaelo

DevsDen Payroll Integration

our xero products

batch payments

Convert your Xero Batch Payments into the format your Bank requires!

This app creates batch payments so that you can easily make multiple payments at once, because who wants to go and manually load each payment. We do this by converting the standard Xero batch payment file into the right format that your bank requires.


Streamline Your Business Operations with DevsDen's Affordable and Efficient Inventory App

If you are a company that needs an inventory app, you will know that the inventory apps for Xero are very expensive as they are complex. This is why we have decided to create an affordable inventory app for companies that do not require such sophistication. Our inventory app works much like the Xero inventory solution, but with the addition of inventory location tracking and the ability to do a goods receipt.

Its Features

Check out what the Inventory System can do!


No need to do manual formatting and time-consuming collections management ever again

If you are struggling with incorrect batch collection format issues when uploading to SA banks, or your current collection system does not integrate with Xero, you may find our solution helpful. Our integration with Xero's recurring invoices allows for the creation of formatted batch collections tailored to your bank's specifications.