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DevsDen Collections

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what is devsDen collections?

Convert your Xero Collections into the format your Bank requires!

As a business owner, managing finances can be a daunting task. From collecting invoices to reconciling bank statements, bookkeeping can take up a significant chunk of your time. However, with DevsDen's innovative Xero Collections upload feature, managing your accounts has never been easier.

We have created a service that allows you to create a collections file that will handle all of your debit orders for you. All you need to do is create a bulk debit collection in Xero. Take the generated file and submit it on our site. Our service will then rearrange that file to the correct format that your bank requires. You then submit our formatted file to your bank and just wait for your collections to come through on your account.

what is xero collections and why is it important?

Xero Collections is a feature offered by Xero, a popular cloud-based accounting software. It allows businesses to receive payments and reconcile invoices in bulk, instead of processing them one-by-one. This makes bookkeeping much more efficient and saves time.

However, formatting Xero Collections for upload to a bank can be a complex process, especially for businesses that are not familiar with accounting software. This is where DevsDen comes in.

Find out more about Xero Collections

our xero collections upload feature

At DevsDen, we understand the importance of efficient bookkeeping. That's why we have developed a comprehensive Xero Collections upload feature. It makes it easy for businesses to format their collections and upload them to their bank. Our software automatically extracts data from your Xero Collections and formats it according to your bank's requirements. With DevsDen Collections you can save time and eliminate the risk of errors.

why use our collections system?

Secure data transfer Our software uses secure protocols to ensure that your data is safe and protected.

Customizable options You can customize the format of your Xero Collections to suit your bank's requirements.

Automated updates Our software automatically updates your bank with the latest data, ensuring that your records are always accurate.

Reduce the risk of errors

Easily Format your Xero Collections

Free up time for other important tasks

We do these Bank formats!

  • Standard Bank
  • First National Bank (Coming soon!)
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how to use collections?

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If you're looking for an accounting software development company that can help you manage your Xero Collections efficiently, look no further than DevsDen. Contact us today to learn more about our software and how it can benefit your business.

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